Saturday, January 10, 2009

Money Full Time Or Part Time

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Your Home Business - Full or Part Time
by Daton Caedea

Hello again and thanks for dropping in, it’s good to see you. Now, where was I. That’s right…ACTION. That’s the word, the only word really, when it comes to stop thinking about it and do it. That’s easy for you to say I hear you politely tell me. How do you expect me to do that!

I am the expert here when it comes to ‘thinking about it’ and thinking about it a bit more - and then some! During this time nothing is done and more time passes by. I was an expert at it. I like to think I’m not as bad now! If money was to be made from this ‘inactivity’, I would be very well off! It’s too easy to just to drift.

Time enough though, when I clock back in to complain about my lot. You know, how hard done by I am and how life is so unfair. Why do I get all the bad luck and so on. It was only when my ship of life was in danger of sinking on a reef that serious action had to be taken. Man those pumps!

Yes, even I could get results in an emergency situation but once the panic was over and the ship was safe again I would go back to my comfort zone…on a permanent basis. Deep down I knew why, it was because I did a job that was bearable…just… and it paid the bills. Also it was a very easy job which was well paid for the type of work involved. I would go on auto pilot 4 days a week and sleepwalk my way through it.

I get home having done the last day my shift and slump into a 3 day campaign of nothingness. Complete void, vacuum, whatever. Usually in front of the bromide machine called a TV. All that hyped up media stuff whipped up for the masses (making someone a fortune). Well good luck to “them”. I bet they don’t watch it!

Every time I think of this it scares me. I’m not just saying that. I don’t want to be like the rest of this world where you are expected to go to work, get paid a bit of money and repeat. For the rest of your life. No thank you. I want a life. I WANT A LIFE! A life with a present and a future. Work on the present, the future will follow. Do it right and the life gets even better.

Time to shove out that boat of discovery and see what we can find. You won’t be the first of course but you will begin to stand out when you keep at it. That’s how all the man made miracles have come about. They had faith in themselves and their cause and kept on going. Failure after failure. Getting closer to their target, their achievement. Thats how it’s always happened. Even by accident. How else would you recognise the message within the ‘accident’?

The ultimate liberator and because it’s yours, it’s unique. Nobody can take that away…so why don’t you put it to good use, for the good of you and those around you.

Hang in there,see you next time.
About the Author:
Daton Caedea has over the years researched and discussed the challenges we face on a constant basis when it comes to motivating ourselves. He indicates that the causes for this are limitless and what he tries to achieve is simply to find a key to ’start you up’. This is good information targetedat anyone looking to have their own business working from home.

January 9th, 2009 | Posted in make money | No Comments
Work From Home
by Daton Caedea

Hello and welcome, it’s nice to have you back. So, from last time we were talking about -ACTION-! This is what we have to do after the notion. Just do it. Piece of cake, I hear you say, how? I mean, I’m off the couch and ready for action. What next?

I am the expert here when it comes to ‘thinking about it’ and thinking about it a bit more - and then some! During this time nothing is done and more time passes by. I was an expert at it. I like to think I’m not as bad now! If money was to be made from this ‘inactivity’, I would be very well off! It’s too easy to just to drift.

We have to get those engines running and humming to drive you to those places you dream about, so much. Get your space ship on the move and be a star. We won’t get anywhere just by being dead in the water and drifting sideways. Propulsion and steering required here.

Yes, even I could get results in an emergency situation but once the panic was over and the ship was safe again I would go back to my comfort zone…on a permanent basis. Deep down I knew why, it was because I did a job that was bearable…just… and it paid the bills. Also it was a very easy job which was well paid for the type of work involved. I would go on auto pilot 4 days a week and sleepwalk my way through it.

It’s like being (I imagine) on drugs. I mean, get up in the morning and see your way through to the end of the day and slump your way home. Oh, the jubilation when the last shift is completed for 3 days of…nothing! If there is a distant churning noise in the ears, don’t worry about it, it’s only the brain disintegrating.

Scary or what. I don’t mean to dismay anyone, but that’s how it was. Of course it still is happening to millions (billions) of people out there, I decided to break out and be alive again, just like I was when I was a youngster (pre- teenager). I don’t listen to all that negative crap going on around us any more. I hear it, but I shut it out! I don’t want to wind up a miserable old geezer with no life in front of him and nothing but a vacuum behind.

Time to shove out that boat of discovery and see what we can find. You won’t be the first of course but you will begin to stand out when you keep at it. That’s how all the man made miracles have come about. They had faith in themselves and their cause and kept on going. Failure after failure. Getting closer to their target, their achievement. Thats how it’s always happened. Even by accident. How else would you recognise the message within the ‘accident’?

The ultimate liberator and because it’s yours, it’s unique. Nobody can take that away…so why don’t you put it to good use, for the good of you and those around you.

See you next time, hang in there.
About the Author:
Daton Caedea has over the years studied and debated the challenges we face on a constant basis when it comes to motivating ourselves. He indicates that the reasons for this are endless and what he tries to do is simply to find a key to ‘get you on your way’. This is good information aimed at anyone looking to have their own business working from home.